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Stardew Valley on Switch. It's a MUST BUY!

What is "Stardew Valley"?

Stardew Valley is a new Indie title released on Nintendo Switch! It is a Harvest-Moon-Inspired farming simulator with a lot of character, heart and soul put into it and was developed by ONE PERSON over 4 YEARS!!! It was released on STEAM last year and XBOX ONE this year and now is on Nintendo Switch.

How does it compare to PC?

For starters, you play with a controller. The controls are a bit alien to me (because I'm so used to Minecraft controls T_T) but are nicely laid out and allow easy access to items and menus.

The game seems to be level with the PC version in terms of updates containing 1.1 version features! This means you will get an identical version of Stardew Valley on your Switch.

One of the biggest selling points for Stardew Valley on Switch is it's portability. You can quickly check in on the game or play for a good long 12 hours or so (give or take, depends whether you're me)!

Notable Gameplay Features

More Ways to play!

Instead of infecting your thumb with farming experience to it is ACTUALLY GREEN, you can go mining for ores to upgrade tools or sell, go fishing for food (or to sell) or forage for items to eat (or to sell, see a theme here?)

Marriage, Cutscenes & CHARACTER

Co-mingle with the locals of Stardew Valley! The diverse group of villagers provide lots of story and funny cutscenes! You can even get married (gay, straight, alien, gumdrop-looking creature, I don't judge)!

You can get a family cookie recipe from the Evelyn (Professional Grandmother) or play video games with Abigail (Local SNES owner, lovely)

Beautiful Graphics & Calming Music

The game boasts spectacular artwork and calming music for your eyes and ears to sense!! Just look at some screenshots and you'll see the love that ConcernedApe has put into this Indie Gem!

Store Details

Released: 05/10/2017

Players: 1

Supported Controllers: JoyCon*, Switch Pro Controller

Price: 10.99 Pound Sterling

Age Rating: PEGI 7**

Genre: RPG / Simulation

Required Space: 913 MB

*JoyCon support in this game is limited to using both. You can't use two separate JoyCon for two separate players.

**PEGI Age Ratings are for British, Irish and European users. This age rating may not apply to you. For American readers, please seek the ESRB equivalent.

[!] Post Updated on 22/10/2017: Removed Unused Blog Section

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