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My Top 5 Switch Games - Food for Thought

As you can gather from basically all of my blog posts, I absolutely LOVE the Nintendo Switch. There are some quality games on there! And I thought I'd recommend some of my all time favourites in a clickbait list that people are almost definitely going to disagree with and witch hunt me because of my personal preferences. LOVELY.

[5] MARIO KART 8 Deluxe

Now you are going to think from the name that it is just a port. You are correct. But you get new content as well as the original DLC! It is a nice party game to play or get overly nerdy and compete to the hardest your gamer @#?& can get. ;)


Oh my lord... THIS GAME IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!! *shaky text motion* The music is amazing and the pixel art is just glorious!! Also the game is quick, really quick but I have to admit, there isn't a hint system or tutorial or anything to help. But the gameplay is solid, quick, snappy and CRISPY!! It is a nice game to quickly play in your spare time.


Umm... please don't hate me for this but I like Minecraft! And it being portable (not the Pocket Version, that one is utter trash) is an amazing reason to buy it on Switch! I don't think I need to say any more.

[2] Stardew Valley

I've already written about this game but I'll quickly summarize it for this list! Stardew Valley is a Country-Life Simulator / RPG game where to farm, mine, battle and fish to make profit! You also interact with the townsfolk and even can get married and have/adopt children!! And it being portable... um *CHA-CHING*

[1] Splatoon 2

I hate shooters. But the uniqueness of the game, creative characters, amazing Single-Player Campaign and the expansive character customization make this game soooo fun! Or I might hate shooters because of XBOX Live 10 year olds, it's probably that.

Like my list? Hate my guts for having my own different opinion to yours that I'm completely entitled to having? Show your opinion in the comment section below, share it on social media sites and/or like this post! xxx

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