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A Lil' XMAS Update (and Project Announcement)

CHRISTMAS TIME!! The time for joy, and giving, and taking away the internet. Ajit Pai...

So, Net Neutrality has been buzzing around and terrifying the f**k out of me (despite being in the UK, not the US). I've made a change to my site that promotes a site to stop Net Neutrality being, well stopped. So if you ignored that, F**K YOU!!! You are killing ya sweet baby bootilicous internet! So, care to go to the homepage and refresh (press F5 or FN + F5, quicker that way.)

Apart from that sad tale of sadness. Splatoon 2 has been updated again, bringing Clam Blitz! It was surprisingly simple actually, treat it like Rainmaker (don't mean to brag but, S in Rainmaker, hit me up with your Switch Code plz thk <3, emoticons).

Another thing I want to talk about is a project I'm working on. Remember Miiverse? (Now I've just given the entire thing away). Well, I'm starting "Switchverse"!! A revival of Miiverse focusing on the Nintendo Switch! The current active communities on there will be:


- Splatoon 2


- ARMS - LoZ Breath of the Wild

- BAYONETTA 1, 2, 3

Now the differences about this is, you'll need to get screenshots and video you've captured onto a PC to upload them and it is currently going to be optimized for:

- Opera (and Opera Neon)

- Chrome

- Chromium-Based Browsers (such as Opera)

- iOS 11

- Microsoft Edge

All those IE users, upgrade already T_T

Anyway, here is the logo! <3

Hope you enjoy!

Written with British Cynical Love,

by Alfie Locke <3

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